And we're back!

After a few years of silence our Infrared blogging team is back! What use to cost $15,000+ 2 years ago can now be picked up for at low as $6,000 (we're exited!).

We are going to be writing everyday on the best products and thermal imaging applications out in the market today. Thermal and Infrared is going to be big - we're going to tell you about it!

If you have any questions please send us and email to

Monday, March 17, 2008

Cheap Night Vision Binoculars

About 3 years ago, the phrase "cheap night vision binoculars" would have been considered an oxymoron. Today, night vision binoculars and night vision goggles are available at affordable prices. If you are looking to purchase night vision binoculars we would suggest you visit's night vision department.

Night vision cameras and binoculars are also available from Sierra Pacific Innovations.

Tomorrow we will discuss thermal binoculars and where to find them.

Thanks everyone, and happy St. Patricks day!