Thermal imagers represent the true nature of things. Since they show you what everything looks like based on what is actually being emitted from the object rather than what is being reflected off of the object. For an in depth discussion of how thermal imagers work check out the previous post "How Thermal Infrared Camera Technology Works".
We thought about this and realized that we take for grnated what we have come to see in thermal image form through our infrared cameras. We would like to share with everyone the true nature of things. In this spirit we invite everyone to post comments to this blog requesting thermal images of common items. Whatever it is that you want to see let us know and we will post a stunning infrared image of it on this blog. Be carefull what you wish for the truth might shock you.
Here are some goodies to get you started.
Machine gun (Tommy Gun) automatic firing.
Human hand circulatory issues
A crock pot
Microscopic thermal image of a US Quarter
Circuit board PCB Thermal Image
Veins in human arm thermography
Requested BY Readers
Well we knew that this would be a request so here it is the first request for thermal pictures of womens body parts (breasts). These images actually have diagnostic signifigance. Thermal Infrared Breast thermography has been show to be an acurate tool in finding breast cancer early.Thermal Breast Image requested by M. Mouz
An image of vascular blood flow is above for anonymous (you can also see veins in the breast image).
Here is an energy audit image of a house. Note the areas around windows showing thermal differences.
This close up image shows a clearly defined area of heat loss.
Thermal image of a thermal camera. As requested by Da' Joind.
Post a comment and we will respond immediately!